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Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection

If you’ve engaged with the social change ecosystem map, don’t miss out on a new workbook from Deepa called Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection.

August 2024 Update: Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection, now published by Skinner House, is available everywhere books are sold.

Social Change Now is a practical guide for those at every stage of their individual and organizational journeys towards justice, equity and solidarity. It introduces an ecosystems framework that includes ten roles that many of us play in service of our social change values. But the book goes further. It contains detailed descriptions and real-world examples, reflection prompts (with room to write responses), and accessible tips that can immediately be put into action. This book is a resource that will accompany individuals and organizations not only in times of crisis, but throughout their lifelong social change journeys to build connected communities and equitable systems in our world. Over the past three years, people and organizations around the world have used the social change ecosystem framework to respond to the pandemic, express solidarity during the uprisings against anti-Black racism, and support multiracial coalitions struggling for reproductive rights, immigrant and refugee protections, and climate justice.

Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection topped the Small Press Distribution’s Nonfiction Bestsellers list in 2022 and 2023!


Praise for Social Change Now

“Given the world we live in right now, more and more people are becoming outraged about injustice. Deepa Iyer’s Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection provides an approach that can benefit those who want to turn that outrage into effective and sustainable action. It’s a roadmap for anyone who’s ready to be part of a broader social movement.” 

— Mariame Kaba, Founder and Director, Project Nia; Author, We Do This Til We Free Us: Abolitionist Organizing and Transforming Justice

“I have found the social change ecosystem map to be so helpful for individuals and organizations to gain clarity about what role they are playing and why. This book is a guide that should be part of the toolbox for anyone seeking to make change at individual, organizational and systems levels to advance equity.”

— Monisha Kapila, Founder and Co-CEO of ProInspire

“As an anti-oppression educator and DEI professional, Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection is an invaluable resource for folxs seeking to shrink the gap between their campuses’ stated commitment to anti-racism and their actions. As a classroom resource, it offers young people wisdom from organizers and advocates on the frontlines of our current social movements. For any educator and professional seeking to help build the anti-oppression capacity of their students, colleagues, or community Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection is an excellent place to start!”

— Jazmin Pichardo, Assistant Director of Diversity Training & Education, Office of Diversity & Inclusion, University of Maryland

“My first introduction to Deepa’s work was at a New Year’s retreat at the start of 2019 where seemingly everyone had brought a printout copy of her Medium post Saying Goodbye to 2018’s Seesaw of Outrage and Numbness. At the retreat I remember picking up one of the printouts, and appreciating the inviting simplicity of the colorful ring of circles and the bold question above, “What’s my role?” But what I really loved and needed were the questions that came along with the image. They guided me step-by-step that day through a process I didn’t even realize I needed and left me feeling so much lighter about where and how I could best show up for social movements.”

— Trish Adobea Tchume, Facilitator, Network Weaver, Social & Racial Justice Organizer

“With her book, “Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection”, Deepa lovingly offers us a roadmap and opportunity to reflect on who we are and who our people are. As so many of us grapple with how to show up for our movements in the pursuit of liberation, this tool is a powerful reminder that we don't do this work alone, and we don't have to.”

— Sheetal Sheth, Actor, Author, and Producer

“The Social Change Ecosystem map is a tool I have returned to over and over again individually and with other organizers as we collectively witness, hold and resist the multiple overlapping crises of our time. It has allowed me to explore the skills and resources I can offer my community and given me the courage to stretch into new roles. I have played many of the roles on the map, but the roles that bring me the most joy allow me to support the mycelium of our movement’s infrastructure through weaving connections, acting as a frontline responder through organizing resources and experimenting with and building new systems that make these violent and outdated power structures obsolete.”

— alicia sanchez gill, Executive Director, Emergent Fund

Injustice and inequity can be adequately addressed only when we act together to advance common values and goals. Deepa Iyer’s Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection provides an approach and framework that enables us to connect with ourselves and with each other in order to bring about the changes we want to see in our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. This book should be on your reading list if you’re ready to do the work to bring about racial justice and equity.

— Nicole Cardoza, Founder of Anti-Racism Daily and Author

“The Robert Sterling Clark Foundation is a New York City-focused funder but there’s a reason we also dedicate funds to supporting networks and organizations that strengthen the wider leadership development field: We understand that in order for organizations and leaders to thrive locally, they must be part of a thriving ecosystem. Deepa’s framework not only provides individuals and organizations with a visual image of their connections, it provides all of us with a guiding set of questions that can help us understand and be proud of our particular contributions. This expanded guide to the Social Change Map is such a loving gift to movements and to all of us who believe that if we want to go far, we must go together.”

— Trish Adobea Tchume, Senior Director of Leadership Research & Practice & Sterling Network Organizer


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