Permissible Uses

✓ Using for Personal Development: 

You can use the framework for your own individual use to guide your leadership, social change and solidarity practices. Please use Social Change Now: A Guide for Reflection and Connection as an anchor and resource.

✓ Using within your Organization / Group / Coaching Clients / Classroom: 

You can use the framework internally within your organization, workplace, faith group, board, or campus/school to guide meetings, retreats, orientations, check-ins, evaluations, workshops, classes, self-discovery/group discovery sessions, leadership mapping, and more.

To prepare to use internally, please familiarize yourself with the framework and receive training on utilizing it (more information on training at Additionally, the map images you use must be the exact ones that appear in the guide (PDF or hard copy) or on affiliated websites (;, complete with copyright information.

✓ Sharing on Social Media: 

You can share, post, and repost the map image, with full attribution, on social media platforms, within emails, newsletters, internal communications, and as part of a list of resources in books or research papers. If posting on social media or on another resource, the map images you use must be the exact ones that appear in this guide (PDF or hard copy) or on affiliated websites (;, complete with copyright information. Any post that accompanies the visual image should cite Deepa Iyer, and when possible, tag appropriate handles (@deepaviyer on Instagram; @dviyer on X).

Non-permissible Uses

✗ No adaptations or remixes. 

None of the material in the framework (including the visual map, images, and words) can be altered. This includes but is not limited to: changing the colors, the text, or the roles; adding artwork or new elements such as logos or handles; or visually reorganizing the roles.

 No commercial use is permitted. 

The framework (including the visual map) or any derivations of its content can never be used to accrue money for yourself or your organization, (including, but not limited to, charging people or asking for donations for a training; or making and selling products based on or including the map or framework).

 No public-facing workshop specifically on the framework is permitted, if paid. 

If unpaid, please contact Deepa to discuss ( with at least a month’s notice.


Can I do a workshop on the framework internally with my team or network? ✓ YES

I offer leadership coaching for clients. Can I use the map with my clients? ✓ YES

I am an educator. Can I do a workshop on the map with my students? ✓ YES

I want to translate the map into a different language. ✓ YES - please send a draft to Deepa before proceeding.

I am speaking at a conference. Can I use the map visual in my presentation? ✓ YES with proper attribution.

I want to include the map as a resource as part of a public-facing workshop. ✓ YES with proper attribution.

I want to do a paid public-facing workshop on the map. ✗ NO. Please contact Deepa to learn about public workshop offerings.

I want to do an unpaid public-facing workshop on the map. It depends. Please contact Deepa to discuss at least a month in advance of the event.

I’m writing a book and I want to include the visual in my book. ✗ NO - but you can cite Deepa’s book, Social Change Now.