The Social Change Ecosystem Map by Deepa Iyer

The social change ecosystem framework, developed by Deepa Iyer in 2017, is a tool to clarify values, identify roles, and support organizations, campaigns, and networks committed to solidarity, justice, and equity. It identifies ten roles that people and organizations often show up in (such as weaver, builder, and storyteller) when they are responding to crises, participating in social change movements, or organizing collectively to advance a campaign or a cause related to equity, justice, and solidarity. The framework has become a tool used by people and organizations, particularly during a time of unprecedented challenges, to find ways to engage in social change efforts more effectively, collaboratively, and sustainably.

The framework is multidimensional in its use. Individuals, organizations, coalitions, taskforces, and networks can all use the framework to sharpen their collaborations and advance social change. DEI taskforces, educators at all levels, nonprofit groups, philanthropic institutions, coalitions and networks focused on campaigns and faith-based institutions can all use the framework. As an individual, you could use the framework to provide insights on inquiries such as: what role(s) am I best suited to play in a particular moment; and how do I sustain my contributions for lasting impact. Read and use Social Change Now to take a deeper dive into the framework.

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We are the Builders!